Integrated Project Success articles

A successful delivery of a construction project comes down to six main things:
About a decade ago, the University of Melbourne conducted a comprehensive study aimed at identifying the most common types of contracts used in Australian construction projects. From my review of
Impacted As-Planned analysis involves slotting a known delay event into the contractor's original schedule, known as the baseline. This baseline reflects the
In the retrospective longest path analysis approach, the focus lies on determining the critical path as it actually unfolded during the project, distinct from the contemporaneous or actual critical path
The retrospective technique is known as the collapsed as-built delay analysis methodology is utilised to assess the impact of delays or changes on project completion dates. This approach
In most contracts, authority related risks are on the contractor unless the contract says otherwise. This is an important issue for
The term "Time at Large" holds significant weight, especially in the context of Australian projects. As a delay expert navigating through this terrain,
A contractor must complete the works under a construction contract by the date for practical completion. However, in contracts where acceleration is addressed,
Project controls are indispensable in construction, ensuring projects meet deadlines, budgets, and quality standards. This is particularly important for the following reasons:

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text uncode_shortcode_id=”201869″] THE PLEDGE Measuring the financial cost of disputes in the construction industry amounts to millions of dollars. However, the cost is not just financial. Disputes can

Anvelo provide a multitude of services, one service offering is active risk management, pre contract award right through to the project completion. We find with any parties to a contract,

In this blog, we cover 6 common terms used in describing and discussing the effects of unforeseen events. Often, individuals define these terms based on their own experience, which can