Delivering Clear and Definitive Decisions

Expert Determination with Speed and Clarity

Trusted Resolutions for Complex Disputes

Impartial and authoritative decisions
Our impartial expert determiners deliver fair, unbiased decisions based on thorough reviews of evidence and arguments, ensuring trust and respect in the determination process.

Extensive industry knowledge
With vast experience in sectors like infrastructure, energy, rail, road, buildings, utilities, and defence, our expert determiners provide practical and relevant assessments based on hands-on project management and construction practices.

Binding and enforceable decisions
Our determinations are binding and enforceable, providing a definitive resolution to disputes and allowing projects to proceed without further conflict, fostering future project collaboration.

Comprehensive analysis and investigation
We conduct detailed investigations, examining project documentation, financial records, and construction practices to identify discrepancies and understand the root causes of disputes, ensuring well-founded decisions.

Clear and reasoned determinations
Our determinations are clear and concise, with well-structured written explanations that ensure all parties understand the rationale behind the decisions, facilitating acceptance and compliance.

Speedy and efficient resolution
Expert determination offers swift resolutions, often faster than litigation or arbitration, minimising project delays and allowing parties to move forward without prolonged uncertainty.

Delivering Clear and Definitive Decisions

Why choose Anvelo for Expert Determination?

Choosing Anvelo for Expert Determination ensures your disputes are resolved with impartiality, speed, and efficiency. Our experienced team and comprehensive approach provide peace of mind, safeguarding the success and integrity of your projects. Our expert determination services provide clarity on:

  • Impartial and unbiased decision-making.
  • Comprehensive and detailed analysis.
  • Swift and efficient resolution process.
  • Binding and enforceable outcomes.
  • Clear and reasoned determinations.
  • Expert industry knowledge.


  • Impartial Decisions
  • Detailed Analysis
  • Speedy Resolutions
  • Binding Determinations
  • Clear Explanations
  • Industry Expertise
Key benefits
  • Impartial Resolutions: Receive fair and unbiased decisions.
  • Industry Expertise: Benefit from deep sector-specific knowledge.
  • Efficient Process: Enjoy prompt and timely resolutions.
  • Comprehensive Analysis: Detailed investigations ensure well-founded decisions.
  • Binding Outcomes: Decisions are enforceable and final.
  • Cost-Effective: Avoid lengthy and expensive litigation.
  • Clear Communication: Understand the basis and rationale behind each decision.
  1. Reach Out: Contact us to discuss your dispute resolution needs.
  2. Assessment: We conduct an initial consultation to understand the dispute and assess needs.
  3. Accept Quote: Receive a detailed proposal and formalize the engagement upon agreement.
  4. Review and Analysis: Our team conducts thorough reviews and analyses.
  5. Expert Determination: We provide a binding and enforceable decision, followed by detailed documentation and reporting.
  • Provide fair and unbiased decisions.
  • Leverage extensive industry knowledge and expertise.
  • Conduct thorough and detailed reviews.
  • Ensure swift and efficient resolutions.
  • Deliver binding and enforceable outcomes.

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